El Porvenir Coffee Co-op

2124042564_397f758494_bHigh atop a volcanic range, the forty-three families of El Porvenir Coffee Co-op plant, grow, pick, and process some of the best shade-grown, organic coffee in the Americas.   We know because El Porvenir coffee powers every PeaceWorks board meeting, committee meetings and dinners.  In fact, we don’t know what we’d do without it.

So, every year, on PeaceWorks delegations to Nicaragua, we trek up the side of a beautiful mountain to visit the El Porvenir cooperative.   We get to see for ourselves how the cooperative’s 43 families plant, grow, nurture, pick, and process the fuel that drives Peaceworks.  We get to know these families who have become our dear friends in the spirit of peace and solidarity — once fighting on opposite sides of nasty, US-funded illegal war, these former Contra, Sandinista, and even Somoza-era national guard soldiers now building a future together at El Porvenir.  They have taught us what it takes to bring us gourmet quality, organic coffee that nurtures the ecology, protects workers’ health and safety, and creates a sustainable community…including the PeaceWorks community in Northern New Jersey.

Find more information about wholesale coffee purchases from El Porvenir here.


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